Interior Signs 

What are Interior Signs?


Interior signs are visual communication tools used within buildings to convey information, provide directions, promote safety, and reinforce brand identity. They play a crucial role in navigating indoor spaces, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the environment, and creating a cohesive look that aligns with the organization’s branding strategy. Interior signs can be found in various settings, including offices, retail stores, schools, hospitals, and public buildings. Here are some common types of interior signs and their purposes:

Wayfinding and Directional Signs: These signs help people navigate through a building or complex by pointing towards restrooms, exits, stairwells, elevators, and specific rooms or areas.

Identification Signs: These include room numbers, department names, and other signage that identifies particular spaces or areas within a building, such as conference rooms, offices, and lounges.

Informational Signs: These provide specific information about the facilities or services available, such as operating hours, Wi-Fi passwords, or rules and regulations.

Safety and Regulatory Signs: Essential for compliance and safety, these signs include fire exit locations, emergency evacuation routes, accessibility features, and health and safety guidelines.

Branding and Decorative Signs: Used to reinforce the organization’s brand identity and enhance the interior design. This can include logos, company values, mission statements, and decorative elements that contribute to the overall aesthetic of the space.

Digital Signs: Incorporate screens or digital displays to show dynamic content such as welcome messages, directories, news, weather, or promotional material.

The design of interior signs often reflects the organization’s branding through the use of logos, colors, and typography. The materials used for interior signs vary widely, from metal, wood, acrylic, and glass to digital screens, depending on the intended look and function.

Effective interior signage is not only functional but also contributes to the overall user experience, making spaces more accessible, informative, and visually appealing. Proper planning and placement of interior signs are critical to ensure they are visible, readable, and accessible to all users.



Wayfinding Signs and Interior Branding Signs
Gerard Butler Step And Repeat Los Angeles


What types of materials can used?

The sky is the limit! Here are some common examples of the types of materials that our shop for Interior Signs:

  • Plastics
  • Aluminum
  • Wood
  • Acrylic
  • Foamboard
  • Gatorboard
  • PVC



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